And that should be it actually: Go to your iortcw installation folder and start either the “iowolfsp*” file for single player or “iowolfmp*” for multiplayer.
Then extract the content of (or a newer version in the meantime) into your iortcw folder and merge its content into it.
This is the game date for the single player mod.
Go to the location of your existing original installation, go into the “Main” folder and copy the following files over to your ioRTCW “main” folder: pak0.pk3, sp_pak1.pk3 sp_pak2.pk3 sp_pak3.pk3.
Extract the latest release zip into a location where you like to have your installation going forward (like c:\Games\ioRTCW\ in Windows or /home/joe/Games/ioRTCW/ in Linux.
Also grap the latest patch file from this site: This was this file as per now
At the point of writing the latest version was v1.51b.
Browse to the iortcw project release folder and grap the latest release files for your operating system.
If you haven’t done so, install your original game and remember the target installation directory as you need some game files later.
The latest release of the iortcw port ().
An installation of the original game, to grab the game data, as this is still under copyright and not open source like the engine.
So how to install it? What do I need? Lets start with what you need:
Multiuser support on Windows systems (user specific game data is stored in “My Documents\RTCW”).
HTTP/FTP download redirection (using cURL).
Support for various esoteric operating systems.
MinGW compilation support on Windows and cross compilation support on Linux.
VoIP support, both in-game and external support through Mumble.
OpenAL sound API support (multiple speaker support and better sound quality).
Many features where implemented like the following (from their project site): Iortcw is an enhanced RTCW engine – id software used to release the source code of all their games back in the day – with some features of the ioquake3 engine. Something we only dreamed about back in 2001. After trying to get the game to run with WINE and PlayForLinux without success, iortcw finally started without any issues in impressive 2560×1440 resolution. Finally found a way to play one of my all-time favorites “Return to Castle Wolfenstein” on a modern computer (and under Linux) with the engine port iortcw.