After the end
After the end

after the end

In 2006, Clare Mackintosh and her husband had to make the devastating decision to turn off their son’s life support.

after the end

However, the inspiration behind the story is more personal.

after the end

There are similarities here with the Charlie Gard case in London in 2017, where Charlie’s parents wanted to try an experimental treatment in the USA, however the British courts supported the Great Ormond Street Hospital decision to not allow that and instead begin palliative care. When Max and Pip are unable to agree, Dr Khalili informs them that the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service will allocate a guardian for Dylan and appoint a barrister. The first part of the book alternates between Max, Pip and Dylan’s doctor as we journey with them through the terrain of Dylan’s illness, how their life has changed and then the realisation that a decision needs to bemade about Dylan’s treatment. Pip wants her son to be spared of further pain. They each want a different future for their son. Max is desperate to keep Dylan alive. For the first time, Max and Pip can’t agree. The heartbroken parents are advised to accept palliative care for Dylan. Medical advice is that Dylan’s condition is terminal, and if prolonged his quality of life will be diminished. But then their son is diagnosed with a brain tumour and the doctors put the question of his survival into their hands. Max and Pip are the strongest couple you know. It’s heartbreaking territory, but absolutely worth it. After the End is a devastating, beautifully written novel about an impossible choice.

After the end